Laufzettel (Stand: 12.09.2023) Ausgewählte Quellen und Links zu Long und Post Covid Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations – Nature Reviews MicrobiologyLong COVID is an often debilitating illness of severe symptoms that can develop during or following COVID-19. In this Review, Davis, McCorkell, Vogel and Topol explore our knowledge of long COVID and highlight key findings, including potential mechanisms, the overlap with other conditions and potent… Immunologin: “Das Virus ist nicht verschwunden”Yale-Professorin Akiko Iwasaki sieht bei Long Covid viele offene Fragen. Im Interview spricht sie über die Sehnsucht nach Normalität und darüber, was es für das Ende der Pandemie Long COVID: The impact on language and cognitionCOVID-19 continues to have profound health and economic consequences around the world. Aside from the large number of deaths from this viral infection… The Brain and Long Covid2 new studies shed light on persistent neuro-inflammation from even mild Herzschäden nach einer Corona-Infektion : Die versteckten Folgen von Covid-19Schwäche, Herzrasen und Infarkt: Was das Coronavirus auch bei einem milden Verlauf der Infektion anrichten kann – und wie man sich am besten davor schü ( Emerging Links Between COVID-19 and Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular Thromboembolic Events: A Systematic ReviewCOVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, initially identified as a respiratory illness, has increasingly been linked to a broader range of organ complications. This systematic review explores the impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, focusing on thromboembolic events in p… Helmholtz MunichHelmholtz Zentrum München – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt, ist ein Großforschungszentrum mit Sitz in Neuherberg bei Mü High risk of autoimmune diseases after COVID-19 – Nature Reviews RheumatologyThe full picture of post-COVID-19 autoimmune diseases and their prevalence is lacking despite numerous case reports and small series. Two studies that use large cohorts now highlight that SARS-CoV-2 infection is linked to a substantially increased risk of developing a diverse spectrum of new-onset a… Unraveling long COVID: Here’s what scientists who study the illness want to find outAt a recent medical gathering, researchers presented their latest hypotheses about what causes – and what could treat – the lingering PressemitteilungPressemitteilungen der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Long COVID. Shorter Life? New research reveals an arduous road to recoveryThe first study to look at two years of data shows the devastating effects of long COVID-but there are still no validated Long COVID brain fog linked to immune responseAustralian researchers have identified a biological pathway that appears to be activated in people with long COVID who suffer from ‘brain fog’ giving heart to people who fear their issues are being dismissed as “all in the mind.”